Learn English – Meaning of “with it way out cat”


I have issues deciphering meaning of the following sentence:

We are the Atom Cats, a gang of the most with it way out cats in the Commonwealth.

This sentence is from Fallout 4 game (which is not that important). The part I am struggling with is "the most with it way out cats". Does that make sense to a native speaker?

Best Answer

It's a sequence of a few fairly outdated slang phrases (I get a 1970s vibe from this statement, but I was not alive in that decade to know it that is really accurate).

"With it": Aware of or knowledgeable about the latest trends or developments.

"way out": Unconventional/excellent

"cat": Person, especially man (also potentially related to jazz musicians, if that is possibly relevant)

So the whole thing is just saying

We're the Atom Cats, a gang of the coolest people in the Commonwealth

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