Learn English – Meaning of “you don’t owe me anything”


What is the meaning of the sentences

You don't owe me anything.

I don't owe you anything.

we don't owe each other anything.

Is there any other way of saying the same thing in English, but in a more native manner (way)? If yes, then please let me know.

Best Answer

It's hard to see what you find difficult about these, unless they are being used metaphorically, in which case you need to give us some context.

Literally, they mean that you/I/we have no debt: there is nothing (no money or services) which are owed.

I suspect that the use you are asking about is where there is not a formal debt but a possible social obligation, and they mean either "there is nothing I/you/we have done which incurs an obligation on you/me/us" or "There is such an obligation, but I am/you are/we are/ choosing to cancel that obligation"

In any case, these are perfectly idiomatic.