Learn English – Meaning of “You’re on” in this situation


In the movie, Inception, 2010 film.
EAMES was sitting down, and COBB approached to him. And said,

"You're on. You've got an hour. Now get us something useful."

I googled it and found this :


But, seems it doesn't make sense for this. Right?

I just try to guess and maybe it means "It's your turn." doesn't it?

Could you please give a few examples in order for me to understand quick?

Thank in advance.

Best Answer

In this case, since EAMES already works for COBB, I think the meaning is more along the lines of definition 5 or 5.1 at oxford dictionary.com's ON definition (thanks to MaulikV for the link):

(Of an actor) on stage; performing.
That's your cue. You're on.

(Of an employee) working; on duty.

I would lean more toward the "actor giving a performance" definition, as COBB's task is to trick someone into giving away information, but I think both senses are appropriate.

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