Learn English – meant by the expression “Jazz pants”


I just watched a show, and there were competitors arguing with each others then one of them said "Are you happy with it now?"
and then the woman said "Jazz pants!"

I don't really know the name of the show, sorry.
It came from a short video clip on the advertising screen in the Mall.
Those competitors were arguing while they were cooking with loud noise,
that's why I turned around to watch that video and it's ending with that woman said "Jazz pants!" (not Jazz hands).

What does "Jazz pants" in this situation mean?

Best Answer

Is it possible you misheard? A not-uncommon (American) expression is "jazz hands" to indicate excitement:

enter image description here

usually ironically:

enter image description here

To do it right, you should make the "jazz hands" gesture as you say, with some enthusiasm, "Jazz Hands!"

More about the fabulous history of "jazz hands"

(Edit) If you are certain that the person said "jazz pants", then I have no idea what it could mean. "Jazz pants" are light, tight pants, used in "jazz dance" routines, usually black, made from some kind of stretchy fabric, and commonly flared at the bottom:

enter image description here

It makes no sense to reference dancewear on a cooking show, and I know of no idiomatic alternate meaning of "jazz pants".

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