Learn English – Modelling or Modeling: When writing in British English, should you use US Spelling when quoting the name of a US book


I am constantly using a lot of references (from America) such as "Local Polynomial Modeling" (with one l). However, if I understand correctly, in the UK we use two l's in modelling.

I feel it is bad to be inconsistent with spelling this word. However, sometimes I end up with sentences such as "We apply local linear modelling as described in the book Local Polynomial Modeling".

How should this be dealt with?

Best Answer

It's a good question, though I'm not sure why this has ended up on ELL rather than ELU.

I think this is really a matter of stylistic choice. My inclination would be to adapt the style advice for Wikipedia content...

When archaic spelling is used in the title of a work, modernize the spelling in the text of the article but retain the original spelling in the references.

That's to say, when you cite actual original text (which to me includes book titles), retain the original spelling. In all other contexts, use the spelling appropriate to current (temporal or regional) standards.

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