Phrase Meaning – How to Define ‘More Likely Than Not’ in Percentage Terms and Its Opposite


I feel the phrase "more likely than not" is often seen or heard here and there, sometimes in a sentence, other times just the phrase alone like the following ones.

"More likely than not" a COVID-19 vaccine is possible, Fauci tells Senate

More Likely Than Not? This is Scientific?

I am now curious about:

  1. How likely is it for you in percentage terms? (My perception is somewhere between 51% and 55%)

  2. Is there any phrase describing exactly the opposite, which implies a probability level of around 46% to 49%, for example? Any such phrase especially in a similar word combination like "less likely than xxxxx", if any?

Best Answer

"More likely than not" logically means with a probability greater than 50%. A probability of 50% would be "as likely as not".

But the user of the phrase is not making a mathematically precise estimate of probability. They are expressing what they think is likely in an intentionally vague way, and it's misplaced precision to try to assign a number to it.

As an opposite, one could simply say "unlikely" to mean a probability of less than 50%. Or, given a proposition A, one could say "It's more likely than not that A is false."

I guess you could say "less likely than not", but I've never heard that.

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