Learn English – Most polite, not too formal way to remind one’s elder of something


I am aware of a polite way to remind my elder, say my advisor, of something important, i.e. "Please be noted …".

But I am wondering if there is any other way for notifying that is equally polite as "please be noted …" but not too formal? (I am not sure of whether or not "please be noted …" is too formal.)

Best Answer

Could I just remind you that ......

May I take a moment of your time to remind you that .......

I hope you don't mind me contacting you to raise the date of (.........) which is the deadline for submitting reference letters?

"Please be informed" or "Please note" seem to me to be too formal and cold and at the same time not respectful enough.

Those would normally be used by a lawyer or government official.

You wish to address an elder/superior to remind them to do something for you so a bit of humility, respect, and a little warmth should provide you with a successful result.

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