Learn English – “My and her” or “mine and her”


I would like to simultaneously introduce my thesis partner Lisa and refer to our thesis. I.e. summarise the following in one sentence:

I conducted a thesis project with Lisa. As outlined in our thesis, …

What is correct:

As outlined in mine and her thesis…

As outlined in mine and Lisa's thesis…


As outlined in my and her thesis…

As outlined in my and Lisa's thesis…

This question is similar but has a different order and the suggestion is to instead use "our" which is not applicable in my case.

Best Answer

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, mine is a pronoun, and refers back to something already mentioned... and my is a determiner, which must be followed by the thing that's yours.

1) How's your thesis going? I've nearly finished mine.

2) I have nearly finished my thesis.

So, if you say

As outlined in mine and Lisa's thesis

mine refers back to something already mentioned: not a thesis, otherwise you could say "mine and Lisa's." - maybe a dissertation. So you are referring to your dissertation and Lisa's thesis.

As outlined in my and her thesis

her refers to somebody that you have already mentioned or the listener already knows about. Writing my and her sounds like you are talking about two separate theses. If it's just one thesis that you jointly wrote,it would be better to say our.

Note that it is conventional to put your own pronoun last- in this case her and my.

As outlined in my and Lisa's thesis

This would work if Lisa had not already been mentioned. You can't say our because the listener doesn't know who you are talking about yet. You should put yourself last Lisa's and my.