Learn English – “My car was breakdown” / “My car had been breakdown”


Today I reached the office late.

My boss asked: "why you are late?"
I said: “My car had been breakdown near circle."
Then boss asked: "Then how you reached office"
I said: “I called the mechanic. He repaired the car. After repairing done I took the car and come to office"

I want to tell him my car had breakdown at 8:00 am and till 10:00am I had that problem till car was attained by mechanic my problem solved and reached home.

Should I use "had been" or is just "was" okay in my first answer?
Is the above conversation correct? Specially my first answer. If not then how should this conversation be?

Best Answer

I think the primary source of your confusion is conflating three very similar uses of these words. “Break” and “down” can be combined in different ways in different grammatical functions to say different things.

“Breakdown” as one word is always a noun, specifically a catastrophic event that a car can have.

breakdown    noun

a failure of a machine to function : an occurrence in which a machine (such as a car) stops working
Source: Merriam-Webster definition of “breakdown”

  • My car had a breakdown.

“Break down” as two words is a phrasal verb, the first word of which can be conjugated to indicate the timeframe of when a breakdown occurred, e.g.:

  • My car broke down near the circle around eight o’clock this morning.
  • My car has broken down.

“Broken down” can also be an adjectival phrase that describes a car that has broken down, e.g.:

  • My car was broken down until ten o’clock this morning.
  • My car is broken down.
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