Learn English – My dictionary has a definition for the word “teen,” but I am not sure how to describe it in a full sentence


I have never used the word "teen" in a sentence, so I looked it up in the dictionary. The dictionary has this explanation for it:

the period of years between 11 and 19 in any century.

The explanation is not in a full sentence, so I tried to rewrite it this way:


According to Cambridge Dictionary, teen is the period of years between 11 and 19 in any century.


According to Cambridge Dictionary, the teen is the period of years between 11 and 19 in any century.

Which of the above two sentences is more grammatical?

Best Answer

Both your examples sound awkward. If you are referring to the meaning of the adjective "teen" then it's better to rephrase it to:

  • According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the word "teen" means "the period in which a young person is aged between 13 and 19".
  • The Cambridge Dictionary defines "teen" as "the period in which a young person is aged between 13 and 19".

But if you are referring to the noun "a teen" (informal for teenager) then you could say:

  • According to the Cambridge Dictionary, "teen" is "a person whose age is between 13 and 19".
  • The Cambridge Dictionary defines "teen" as "a person whose age is between 13 and 19".
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