Learn English – My final question about until / by


I think in the sentences below, “by” doesn't work and the only proper preposition is “until”, because all of these sentences are negative where “by” doesn't make any sense at all.

-A- She won’t be back until 5 o’clock.
-B- He will not return until Monday.
-C- Why didn't you come until 12 o’clock?
-D- I won’t be ready until Tuesday.
-E- I can’t be ready until 8 p.m.
-F- You mustn't be at home until 7 o’clock.

Whereas If we change the negative forms of these sentences to positive, we will see that "by" would be the proper preposition and then "until" would not work. Am I right?

Best Answer

In these cases, 'by' can be used but it changes what the speaker is expressing.

She won't be back until 5 o'clock.

expresses that Penelope will return at exactly 5 o'clock.

She won't be back by 5 o'clock

expresses that Penelope will return sometime after 5 o'clock. There is also an implication that something else will happen at 5 o'clock that Penelope will miss.

She won't be back until after 5 o'clock.

expresses that Penelope will return sometime after 5 o'clock, but nothing else is happening for Penelope to miss.

She will be back until 5 o'clock.

expresses that Penelope was away, then returned, is here now and will leave again at 5 o'clock.

She will be back by 5 o'clock.

expresses that Penelope will return sometime before 5 o'clock.