Idiom Request – Is There an Idiom for ‘Revealing a Secret Unintentionally’?


I am thinking there could be an idiom that states that you or someone revealed a secret unintentionally? Can you think of an idiom like that? I am looking for an idiom I can use to write a blog post about the recent incident where Secretary Pompeo unintentionally revealed the dirty secrets behind the CIA.

Best Answer

Let the cat out of the bag is the idiomatic answer to this.

Oxford (and google dictionary): Reveal a secret carelessly or by mistake.

Edit: It appears commentators dispute the 'unintentionality' of this phrase. Further definitions in support: to divulge a secret, especially inadvertently or carelessly <- scroll down to idioms

Cambridge: to allow a secret to be known, usually without intending to

Collins: to disclose a secret, often by mistake

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