Idiom-Request – Idiom Suggesting ‘Inflation Is Bad’


I am thinking there could be an idiom that states that you can't just print money out of thin air and expect it to magically fix the economy? Can you think of an idiom like that? I am looking for an idiom I can use to begin my essay on inflation.

Best Answer

There's a saying (in American English, anyway) that is related but not quite exactly what you're looking for.

Money doesn't grow on trees.

That is, money has to come from something. It has to be earned. This same idea could be applied to inflation, still meaning that its value has to come from something, but the source could be gold reserves or GDP or something rather than labor hours.

If money did grow on trees, everyone would have lots of money, and therefore a unit of that money would be worth a lot less. The decrease in value is the general concept of inflation, although the "growing on trees" bit more directly relates to inflation caused by over-printing of currency and not other forms of value loss.

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