Learn English – Name of small company gifts (as marketing tool)


What's the name of those small things that companies give away to visitors as gifts when participating at some exposition. Like hats, pens, dvds, usb drives, mouse pads, and so on ?

We say "gadgets", but perhaps in English they use another word (I see in the dictionary that gadget seems to refer to electronic stuff, while here they can be hat with a logo, mouse pads or whatever) ?

Best Answer

Promotional products is the formal term.

Swag (used collectively) is currently the cool term among event planners. Pros sometimes explain it ironically (to clients who have no sense of either humor or the language) as “Souvenirs, Wearables And Gifts” or “Stuff We All Get”

Tchotchkes (a Yiddish term) has been around for a long time.

Handouts, giveaways, trinkets, doodads, goodies and of course gifts are also used.