Learn English – Non-Verbal Films……or……Non-Speech Films


I want to choose a convenient category name for a special kind of films.
This special kind doesn't contain any single spoken word in the entire film; not even narration, singing or intertitles that present key dialogue or comment. This kind of film doesn't contain any meaningful statement not written, not spoken.

"Non-Verbal Films; Non-Speech Films; Films with no Speech; Films
without Speech"

I found these names on the internet, but I'm not sure about them because these names may include:

  • Verbal speech but not written intertitles dialogues in silent movies.
  • All the sounds and noises produced by the characters not just meaningful statement.

I need a very accurate term for this category, either one of the examples I gave or a more convenient one.
Thank you

Best Answer

Contrary to the other answers, I don't think there is a pre-existing name for this category, because it's an exceedingly rare category of film. "Films without written or spoken words" is perhaps a good descriptive phrase.

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