Learn English – ny alternative way to say something you ‘used to [infinitive]’


I'm talking about the use of 'used to' to mean something you did (regularly?) in your past. English has alternative ways to say something in most of the cases but here, I'm finding it very difficult.

I seek your help to find an alternative way to say this (without adding any ambiguity)

I used to play golf.
I used to love her.
I used to live in Australia.

I'm keeping these sentences short with no further detail because I want an alternate sentence for such construction only. You may understand that I need an alternative for 'I used to …infinitive'.

Best Answer

If you want to talk about a past habit (action), you can use the would + action.

When I was young, I used to play football/soccer once a week.

When I was young, I would play football/soccer once a week.

This is not the case of state verbs (such as love, live, like, feel):

When I was a young, I used to live in London

When I was a young, I would live in London