Learn English – ny difference between ‘because’ and ‘because of that’


1.The reason she’s so irritable is because she’s tired.

2.The reason she’s so irritable is because of that she’s tired.

Is there any difference in meaning between 'because' and 'because of that'?

Would anybody like to tell me the difference?

Best Answer

Because is a subordinating conjunction, which means it introduces a new subordinate clause. Your example

The reason she’s so irritable is because she’s tired.

Is correct

Because of is prepositional. It needs a direct object, not a that-clause

The reason she’s so irritable is because of her work.

Is correct.

P.S: For me, the usage of "because" is redundant here. You have "The reason" in front of your sentence, so introducing the reason with "because.." is not necessary.

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