Learn English – ny difference between friendly and kind


A music teacher is portrayed as follows:

“She talks to everyone. She always says hello.”

Thus, is she friendly or kind?

Cambridge Dictionary defines friendly as

behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone

Apparently, the word is paraphrased as kind to some degree. Not limited to this, the fact is that the Chinese native speakers are very puzzled at the usage of these two words.

Do the American and British native speakers give the same answer to this?

Best Answer

Mr Smith greets everyone who enters his bookstore with a broad smile and a bit of pleasant conversation. He might inquire about a regular customer's family, or offer his opinion on the latest best sellers. When lunchtime comes, Mr Smith locks up his shop and heads to the little luncheonette on the corner, where he orders his usual pastrami sandwich on rye with a Coke. The waitresses all know Mr Smith, and he knows them all by name, and chats with them as he eats his lunch.

"Wow!" one of them says as he heads back to his shop after lunch. "That guy is so nice and friendly!"

"Yeah," says another waitress."He's friendly, all right, but he only tipped me a quarter. And he keeps yelling at Old Steve—you know, that scruffy panhandler? He keeps yelling at him to stay away from his store!"

"Hey, I said he was friendly," says the first waitress. "I never said he was kind."