Learn English – ny difference between ‘let me go’ and ‘let go of me’


Is there any difference(or nuance) between 'let me go' and 'let go of me'?

In addition, in this sentence 'let go of me' I don't know what function 'of' has?

Rather, in sense of our languge 'let go me' is more natural. Why is this sentence wrong? ('of' and 'as' are the most difficult words to study english in our nation. T.T)

Best Answer

'Let go of me' is commanding someone to release you physically, in much the same way that 'Let go of the cup' commands someone to release the cup physically.

'Let me go' can be a physical command, but it can also be a metaphysical command. The difference in terms comes from the fact that someone can have different types of 'hold' on you. They could be physically detaining you, but they may also be holding you through authority and not letting you go to the cinema, for example.

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