Learn English – ny difference in meaning between “so much” and “so many” in the following sentences


Is there any difference in meaning between "so much" and "so many" in the following sentences?

We don't exchange gifts so much for Christmas in Japan.

We don't exchange so many gifts for Christmas in Japan.

Best Answer

Yes, these are quite different:

We don't exchange gifts so much for Christmas in Japan.

"We don't often exchange gifts for Christmas in Japan"

We don't exchange so many gifts for Christmas in Japan.

"We do exchange gifts, but not as many gifts (as they do in other countries)."

In the first sentence "so much" refers to an amount so the listener connects it to the custom of giving gifts, how often it's practiced. In the second sentence "so many" refers to a countable quantity so the listener connects it to the number of gifts given.

By the way, I don't think either of these sentences is incorrect, and I understand the intended meaning of both, but to me the word order does not feel completely natural. A more natural way to say each would be:

In Japan, we don't usually give gifts for Christmas.

In Japan, we don't give (as) many gifts for Christmas.

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