Phrasal Verbs – Difference Between ‘Take Up a Challenge’ and ‘Take On a Challenge’


Is there any difference in meaning between take up a challenge and take on a challenge? For example:

I am taking up the challenge of learning a new language.

I am taking on the challenge of learning a new language.

If there is not difference whatsoever, which one do you hear the most?

Best Answer

One typical online dictionary ( includes as definitions for 'take on', to accept as a challenge) and for 'take up', to accept, as an offer or challenge , so there's not a lot of difference there.

The first possible difference, as Hearth said in a comment, is that 'take on' implies that the challenge was given to you by someone, while 'take up' implies that you have accepted it (or 'taken it on' (

I would add a second possible difference, possibly related to Hearth's suggestion, and that 'take on' sounds (to me, at least) more urgent than 'take up'.

Intriguingly, Google Ngram Viewer shows that 'take/taking/taken on a challenge' are more common than 'take/taking/taken up a challenge', but 'takes/took up a challenge' are more common than 'takes/took on a challenge'. At the same time, 'take/takes/taking/took/taken up the challenge' are all more common than 'take/takes/taking/took/taken on the challenge'. So actual usage is mixed.

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