Learn English – ny English word(s) used to describe person who likes to make a fool of other people


What word can I use to call someone who thinks he can fool everybody because he thinks they are not so clever as he is?. In my research I got these:

  1. Adjectives – condescending, patronizing, snooty, egotistic, snobby, pompous, arrogant, conceited, sneering and supercilious.
  2. Nouns – smart-arse, douche-bag.

I am looking for a word or expression preferably in noun form like 2 above but warned of being for informal situations. I wanted to use the word to warn someone whose behaviour I disapprove of trying to fool me as he thinks he does on others. Like I want to warn him by saying to his face "you patronizer you can fool others but not me". Does the word patronizer sounds ok here without sounding unsual?. If not, can someone suggest better expression?

Best Answer

May not be exactly what you are looking for, but Sneering and Superciliousness come to my mind.

