Learn English – ny other neutral word for homosexual male than gay


Is there any other neutral word for a homosexual male? The word gay is, I think, quite neutral, but it sounds very funny to me because in German it's the imperative from 'go'. So, you say 'geh' (spoken as 'gay') if you want someone to go out.

Best Answer

I think the most neutral word is indeed gay, which can be used for both sexes (even though gay woman is not widely used, in favour of lesbian). From Wikipedia:

The most common terms are Gay (both men and women) and Lesbian (women only). [...]

Some organizations (e.g. Safe Schools Coalition) discourage the usage of homosexual in everyday usage, as it might sound too clinical:

Homosexual: Avoid this term; it is clinical, distancing and archaic. Sometimes appropriate in referring to behavior (although same-sex is the preferred adj.). When referring to people, as opposed to behavior, homosexual is considered derogatory and the terms gay and lesbian are preferred, at least in the Northwest.

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