Learn English – ny term used to denote singular and plural form


In our Nepali language a term वचन(read as: bachan) is used to denote singular and plural form. Is there any term used for this in English?

What do I mean is :

Singular -> one
Plural -> more than one 
SOME_TERM -> Singular and/or Plural

Does the SOME_TERM exists in English?

Best Answer

You don't explain the Nepali system very clear. I understand that you have a suffix that expresses the idea the noun can be either singular or plural. There is no such thing in English or other European languages I know. The normal thing is an ending for plural and that is actually enough. If you have need to speak of one or several persons/things you normally say: all persons/things or every person/thing. That expresses the idea: one and all others.

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