Learn English – Object complement or adverbial


If an object complement can be an adjective, noun, or pronoun, what is then "working at the desk" in this sentence?

I found Jack working at the desk

Why isn't it adverbial of place?

Best Answer

I found Jack [working at the desk].

That [working at the desk] is an object complement, consisting of various grammatical elements. It's Jack who is [working at the desk].

working => Gerund-Participle form of verb, realised by a verb + ing. Here it indicates the action of Jack in progress at the time of my finding him.

at the desk => An adjunct, indicating the place where Jack's action is taking place at the time of my finding him. This adjunct is realised by a Prepositional Phrase (PP) - at the desk. The head preposition is - at and it's complement is a Noun Phrase (NP) - the (determiner) desk (head noun).