Learn English – One word for body’s intimate/private parts


How to refer to a body's private/intimate parts with one word? Can't seem to find on the web.

As in this sentence, for instance:

Hey, please stop shaking your the word.

More looking for "flamboyant" words that can be used in funny contexts.

Best Answer

You probably have two options for this. In general conversation - regular to formal environments - you'll want to use "genitals":

Please, stop shaking your genitals.

If you're talking to little kids, though, or in a much more colloquial setting you can use "privates":

Please, stop shaking your privates.

You do have more playful options:

  • Family Jewels - for guys only.
  • Pecker - More common in British English, but I think Americans would still get it. Only for guys.

While looking for more answers to your question, I found something perfect. Here are 2,600 words for male genitals and a couple of thousand words for female genitals spread out on a timeline over the last ~120 years or so. Here is a screenshot - it's really quite exhaustive: