Learn English – One word synonym for “this element is going to be deleted”


I have a form. This form has an element.
So element can have states:

  • normal,
  • ready to be deleted (prepared for deletion),
  • deleted.

I'm trying to find good one-word synonym for this intermediate state (some sort of "hammer cocked").

This intermediate state when you still able to decide are you going to delete it forever or cancel deletion.

For example, email almost deleted:


What do you think about state names like: valuation, evaluation?

Best Answer

If it's likely that any element that enters this state will eventually be deleted, you could use "condemned", by analogy with buildings scheduled for demolition and criminals slated for punishment.

If instead you want to emphasize the chance to remove this status, "probationary" carries the connotation of a risk of some more serious state, but an expectation of eventual restoration to normalcy.