Learn English – opposite meaning of the word timely


I need a word having the opposite meaning to the word timely, which means happening at a suitable moment.

But the word untimely means,

describes something bad that happens unexpectedly early or at a time that is not suitable.

This is not the exactly opposite meaning since it describes something bad, I don't want to express this as a bad thing. So it isn't suitable for the below sentence.

Reading printed magazines is just a way to get to know the latest updates around the world in a non-timely manner.

Is non-timely a good choice and what's other word suitable?

Best Answer


Occurring, arriving, acting, or done after the scheduled, expected, or usual time; late.

Microsoft's tardy response to iPhone – After its debacle with the Kin, Microsoft has gotten its smartphone act together with the announcement of its first Windows Mobile 7 phones (10/11/2010)