Learn English – “Over half” and “one half”: plural or singular


  1. Over half of the domestic flights were delayed because of bad weather condition.

Is this correct to use "were" here?

What if "one half" is used instead of "over half"?

  1. One half of the domestic flights were/was delayed because of bad weather condition.

Which is correct for #2, "were" or "was"?

What if we remove the definite article "the"? Does it affect the use of plural/singular verb?

  1. Over half of domestic flights were delayed because of bad weather condition.

Best Answer

Half is half of one (or for that sake whatever number you have), so no need to include 'one' there. About singular/plural verb, you are talking about more than one flight, so it takes 'were'. Moreover, putting 'the' here ensures that you are specific about domestic flights that got delayed because of the weather condition.

'half of the' or 'half of' makes a separate (and also good) question though.

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