Learn English – passive voice in complex sentence


change the voice

The goons did not realize that their conversation was being recorded

Which option is more appropriate ? And why?

a) The goons did not realize that someone was recording their conversation.

b) It was not realized by the goons that their conversation was being recorded.

c) It was not realized by the goons that someone was recording their conversation.

I knew that in voice change for complex sentence, we need to change voice for both part in the sentence.Will it be applicable here also and option C) would be correct?

Let me clarify my doubt more precise manner. It's an exam question where you have to choose only option which is correct. I have an anglo-vernacular grammar book which is based on Nesfield,Wren and Martin. It specifically says and I quote " In changing the voice of complex sentences the voice of principal and the subordinate clauses should be changed if they have a transitive verb and object/complement. Intodcutory 'It' may also be used ". But there is no extra clarification what to do if you face different options like this one.

Best Answer

All of your options are grammatically correct. (b) and (c) are awkward. We usually use a passive voice when we don't want to specify who is doing the action, perhaps because we want to downplay who it is, or we don't know who it is, or because we want to emphasize the action over the actor.

In this example, we might say "their conversation was being recorded" because the speaker doesn't know who did the recording, or because it doesn't matter, the point is just that someone did.

"It was not realized by the goons" is awkward because the sentence goes out of its way to use a passive voice and thus de-emphasize the actor ... and then it specifies the actor.

(a) is a perfectly good and reasonable sentence. It would be better still if instead of saying "someone" you said who it was. Like, "The goons did not realize that the FBI was recording their conversation."

"I knew that in voice change for complex sentence, we need to change voice for both part in the sentence." Not necessarily true. It's perfectly reasonable for a sentence to have one part in active void and another in passive voice. The original sentence does this: "the goons did not realize", active voice, "that their conversation was being recorded", passive voice.

Another variation that occurs to me is, "It was not realized that the FBI was recording the goons' conversation." Now we know who did the recording, but we no longer know who failed to realize.