Learn English – passive voice of ‘I have a pen to write’


My question is in continuation to this question :
Is there a passive construction for 'I have a pen.'
Wherein it is said that no passive possible for 'I have a pen' since it has 'have' as transitive verb. But then there are other sentences like 'There is a book to read' which has passive form : 'There is a book to be read'. Please enlighten me.

Best Answer

The passive construction of

I have a pen to write.


A pen to write is had by me.

But this sounds extremely weird and ungraceful.

Tools, instruments are generally not things that can have (they are had). Things you can possess are not things that can typically "possess back" - and if they can, have is the wrong word.

Really the only common and non-jarring use of passive have are meanings like have fun, and then only if the subject is not definite.

All had fun.

Fun was had by all.

But fun was had by me sounds equally weird (you could say fun was had by me only, though).