Learn English – Passive voice of split off


I wonder if some verbs can not be passive voice.
I was writing a sentence.

  1. The top case split off from the rest of the parts.

I was thinking that the case doesn't do it itself, So I looked for the passive voice of split off from the internet,but I couldn't find any. So I wonder if some verbs can't be passive? Or it is doesn't matter passive or not.

Best Answer

There is no particular reason why the prepositional verb "split off" could not be used in passive voice. All you need to do is add "be" and use past participle of "split". Since the original sentence has 'split' in past tense, so you use the same form of 'be' ("was"):

The top case was split off from the rest of the parts.

The sentence does not really explain who or what acted on the top case but it can be accepted as implied.

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