Learn English – Please do call me vs. Please call me


Which one is correct? Which of the following statements is grammatically correct, and why?

  • Please! Do call me.

  • Please! Call me.

And, If someone asks you: "Will you call me?"
What should I say? Which one is best way to answer this question?

  • Yes, I shall.

  • Yes, I shall call.

  • Yes.

And, Are the following statements correct? And why? These are two statements given below. Which one of them is correct?

  • Does he do all those things?

  • does he does all those things?

Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

Question 1

Both statements are correct, though they have different emphasis. When you say:

Please! Call me.

You're simply asking someone to call you. If you add "do", making it:

Please! Do call me.

Then, there's an implication that the other person may not call -- they may be forgetful or unwilling -- and you're emphasizing that you want them to make sure they call you.

Question 2

I speak American English, so I'm going to substitute "will" for "shall", since it's more common in American English. All the following statements are correct and have essentially the same meaning:

Yes, I will.
Yes, I'll call.

The three answers may vary slightly in terms of formality, but it's not a significant difference (shorter answers and answers with contractions are ever so slightly less formal).

Question 3

Only the first sentence is correct:

Does he do all those things?

When constructing a sentence starting with "Does he/she...", you use the base form of the infinitive (e.g. "to do" -> "do").