Learn English – Please keep me updated if any news arise


I want to add at the end of an email the following sentence. I basically want to ask politely the other person to update me as soon as she has any news on the topic discussed in the email body.

Please keep me updated if any news arise.

Does it make sense in British English?

Best Answer

It's not bad, but there is a better verb: "come up". The other problem you have is that "news" is uncountable, and so we can only use it as a singular noun (meaning you have to use 3rd person verb form).

Your sentence should be:

Please keep me updated if any news arise*s*.

But I think

Please keep me updated if any news comes up.

Sounds better.

Alternatively, you could rephrase the sentence to make it easier for yourself.

Please update me/let me know if there is any news/there are any developments.

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