Learn English – Plural form of tardy


What is the plural form use of "tardy" such as: number of tardy arrivals to school, work, etc.? Word spell check does not have any suggested words in this instance.

Best Answer


an occasion when you are late for a class, or a record that a teacher keeps of this


The plural is tardies.

See also Wiktionary:

tardy ‎(plural tardies)

(US) A piece of paper given to students who are late to class.
The teacher gave her a tardy because she did not come into the classroom until after the bell.

Before turning to the dictionary I had posted the following:

As to saying that tardy is an adjective, well it is also used as a noun. Someone can have one absence and one tardy this week. Or someone could have two or more tardies.

We can indeed convert adjectives to nouns by using only the first part of an "adjective-noun" combination. Consider smiley face. That became smiley. Oh, my gosh this girl likes to use smileys in her texts.

If a word is used as a noun, it's a noun.