Learn English – pluralNoun + “are” + “a/an” + singleNoun


Today a sentence hit my mind :

Processes are an integrated set of ….

vs :

Processes are integrated sets of ….

to an EnglishLanguageLearner the second one feels more valid, because we hear everyday a/an is not used with with(after) plural nouns. But what I am trying to say is about a single set containing of plural processes.


Thanks Everyone :-nice_smile

Best Answer

You should know if you wish to implicate a singular sense or a plural one into the word "Processes"

  • Processes are an integrated set of ... - You see the Processes as a single set (one group, union).
  • Processes are integrated sets of ... - You see Processes as multiple sets (groups, unions)

Having in mind your comment "But what I am trying to say is about a single set containing of plural processes." the first instance is correct.

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