Learn English – “Plus, …” at the beginning of a sentence. Is it usual and / or always correct


Does it sound usual to use "Plus" at the beginning of a sentence to say "moreover" or "furthermore" or it is a form to use only in specific cases ? I'm wondering because I don't see it much. (And I don't hear it too, but I'm in France so …)

If so, would it be always correct to replace "moreover" by "plus" in that context, or not ?

Here is a simple example :

I don't want to tell him the truth because (…).
Plus, I don't like him.

Maybe is it better to use it when writing, or is it ok when speaking too ?

Best Answer

A conjunction at the beginning of a sentence is perfectly grammatical for most contemporary readers, although it was deprecated by several generations of schoolmarmish stylists. You're perfectly safe using and, but or or there. Keep in mind, however, that they are conjunctions, not adverbs, and should not be separated from the clause they introduce with a comma, unless that comma is the first bracketing a parenthetical remark.

Plus, however, is another matter. Use of plus in any but the mathematical sense is distinctly colloquial. It may be employed as a conjunction in the chattier sort of business or technical writing, but this should be avoided in academic contexts.