Learn English – Praising someone for noticing something


I would like ask for phrases/idioms that can be used to praise someone (especially children) for spotting small things that would otherwise go unnoticed.

I know that 'well spotted' is a common one, and 'good catch' can be used when mistakes are identified. Are there any others that have similar meanings?

Many thanks.

Best Answer

"Well spotted!" sound very British to me, but I find myself using it all the time as British expressions creep into American speech especially after "Harry Potter". For example, nowadays, (or perhaps just now, today) I often wish people "Happy Christmas!".

"Good catch" feels more American.

When Americans (not sure about British) want to praise someone who has seen something others haven't:

"You've got good eyes!" (or just "Good eyes!")

"Sharp eyes you've got!"

"You've got 20/20 vision there!" (less common, but acceptable)

Other more generic phrases:

"Well done!"

"Well done you!" (although this can be perceived as sarcastic)

"Good one!"

"Good on yer!" (very, very Australian)

(On getting a question right, or knowing something) (British) "Full marks!" (American) "You get a gold star!"

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