Learn English – Preposition: Pay attention in your studies


I think the usual way to say it is:

Pay attention to your studies.

But is it also acceptable to use in?

Pay attention in your studies.

Best Answer

The two are structurally different:

  1. Pay [ attention to your studies ].

    Here, pay is a transitive verb taking the noun attention as a direct object. The noun attention can take a preposition phrase (PP) as a complement, and specifically it selects a PP headed by to. The resulting string of words pay attention to is a collocation (meaning people say it a lot), so it sounds very natural.

  2. [ Pay attention ] in your studies.

    Again, pay is a transitive verb taking the noun attention as a direct object. The noun attention, however, does not take a PP complement in this example. Instead, the following PP is a domain adjunct, which means it limits the domain of the verb. In this case, pay attention is limited to the domain in your studies. Since it's an adjunct rather than a complement, it's not limited to beginning with a particular preposition, and in is okay. But since the resulting string of words pay attention in isn't as common as the collocation pay attention to, it doesn't sound as natural.

Ultimately, they both mean about the same thing, but they're grammatically somewhat different. Of the two examples, the first one sounds more natural.

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