Learn English – Preposition selection for “Are you doing anything special ….. New Year?”


I have another confusing test question:

Are you doing anything special ….. New Year?"

Possible answers:

  1. in
  2. on
  3. at

If 'New Year' is the period in the begging on the new year then we can use 'in'.

If 'New Year' is the New Year's Day (or the New Year's Eve) the we should use 'on'.

I also suspect that 'the' article should be used before 'New Year'.

Could someone clarify usage of 'New Year'?

Best Answer

(In American English) "New Year's" is short for "New Year's Eve" and is usually capitalized. "The new year" means "this next year" and is usually not capitalized. Just saying "New Year" is not grammatically complete, and so I wouldn't know for sure which you mean.

All of the following are possible (as well as many other variations):

What are you doing New Year's (Eve)?

What are you doing for New Year's (Eve)?

What are you doing on New Year's (Eve)?

What are you doing for the new year?

What are you doing in the new year?

What are you doing at midnight on New Year's?

Side note: The first option is the title of a classic "standard" song that you'll often hear this time of year.

New Year's can also mean "New Year's Day", but if you don't specify most people would assume you mean New Year's Eve, because that's when the parties are.

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