Learn English – Preposition to use in “There are lots of managers ….. the company.”


There is a test question with multiple answers:

"There are lots of managers ….. my company."

  1. at
  2. on
  3. in

I have feeling that it is possible to use both 'at' an 'in' in this sentence. Is this correct? Is there any difference in the meaning?

I did check this ngram which suggests both can be used.

Best Answer

Either "at" or "in" is fine, as you surmised.

Which you choose depends on how you think about the company. If as a container, then you'll likely use "in", but if you view it as a place to which you go each morning, then "at".

A comparable choice applies to islands and boats for broadly the same reasons. One can be on an island if we think of it as a surface ("we're renting a house on Martha's Vineyard for the summer"), or in an island ("I'm going to be in Cuba for the winter") if we think of it as a vessel of some kind.