Learn English – Present Tense arrives or arrived


I saw a train approaching the station. I wanted to tell my friends be ready with their bags to get into the train.
I said:

Train arrived be ready.

Afterwards I realised that "Train arrived" is past tense which is incorrect to use in present tense.
Should I have said this?

Train arrives be ready

Please help me with my example I know other option s to say .

Best Answer

I would say that the most normal phrase to use would be: "Here comes the train, get ready!" but lots of other options are possible.

Indeed, with present tense: "The train is here, get ready (to get on)" would be perfectly acceptable in normal usage, even though the statement is arguably false - the train is still approaching.

If you really want to work in past tense, then try something along the lines of: "The train has arrived, time to get on board!"

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