Learn English – Private Entrepreneur vs Sole proprietorship (Sole Trader)


Recently in one of the documents I've come across the abbreviation PE which stands for Private Entrepreneur.

The term sounds like a calque from Russian/Ukrainian.

I've found English equivalent Sole proprietorship, but I'm not sure that does mean the same.

So I'm wondering if anyone from native speakers would ever use Private Entrepreneur or would they understand it if found in an official document.

Best Answer

Private Entrepreneur, as you suspect, is the equivalent of a sole trader/proprietor in the UK and US (and over here in Australia).

The term is certainly used in Russia, Ukraine and Finland - there's a good page on the status in Finland here

In answer though to the main part of your question: While those who are more familiar with international business terms would probably have no problem with the term, I think it would be unfamiliar to most native speakers

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