Learn English – pronounce “you” as /ju/ intead of /juː/ in this kind of sentences


  1. "You want to see my muscles?"
  2. "You love dogs."
  3. "You wanna see my moves?"
  4. "You like him."
  5. "You come with me."

In this kind of sentences where "you" is at the beginning of the sentence, can I make a short, quick /u/ sound instead of the long /uː/ sound when I pronounce the "you"s? Can I pronounce "you" either as /juː/or /ju/ interchangeably when it's at the beginning of any sentence? I feel like if the word that comes after "you" starts with a vowel, the /u/ sound should be pronounced in the long way, but in the other cases it can be pronounced either the long or the short way.

Best Answer

Some speakers will actually sound "you" more like "ya" when speaking quickly

Hey, whaddaya want? Can't you see I'm busy?

So I told him, ya got the wrong guy officer. I was tending to my sick grandmother last night and couldn't have been robbing some store.

This is dialect and probably shouldn't be imitated too closely (unless you want to sound like you're from New York / New Jersey), but otherwise you are correct and when "you" is part of a phrase the vowel is normally short, and often combined with the following word

I can't talk to y'now. I'm late for a date.

Pronouncing "you" with a "j" sound is, again, dialect, common among people who also speak Spanish, where the "y" sound is pronounced like the English "j". Again, it's not something you should imitate unless you are trying to sound like someone who speaks that dialect.

There is an in-between sound that is more like "choo", particularly when "you" comes after a word that ends in "t", like "what".

Whatchoo want? Can't you see I'm busy?

Most speakers use this pronunciation to one degree or another, unless they are intentionally careful with their diction.

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