Learn English – Pronunciation of “sure” in American English


I saw that "sure" can be pronounced [ʃʊər] or [ʃər] in the dictionary.
Here's my audio: https://clyp.it/4gdwhi24 First I pronounce it [ʃʊər] then [ʃər]

I don't know which one should I use, or is this more of a preference? or a difference between regions? some Americans pronounce it [ʃʊər] and some [ʃər]?

Best Answer

The second one sounds great to me!. (As an American) I don't really ever hear people pronounce it the first way (with an 'or' sound like in "shore" and "oar"). I almost always hear it the way you pronounce it the second time, with an 'er' (like in "her" and "fur"). Another way you can pronounce it is to pronounce the u with an 'oo' sound, so it sounds like "Shoo-er" (rhymes with sewer), although this is not as common. Or at least, not in the midwest where I live. This might be a regional thing.

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