Learn English – provided that VS. providing


It would be greatly appreciated if somebody could throw a light into if there is any difference between these? It would be necessary that I mention the fact that I know we could omit "that". Just my specific question is about only the following.

provided that


Best Answer

Are you trying to use these in a specific context?

Provided that is the one that's more often used as a conjunction.It means that one thing happening is dependent on another thing happening.

I will come visit you provided that my car gets new tires.

Provided that this project succeeds, I will get a promotion.

Sometimes people drop the that and only use provided and it means the same thing.

Mark will come to the wedding provided Alice is not there.

Providing is usually a form of the verb to provide and means to supply/give.

He is providing the food.

I don't know if providing that is used a conjunction. Maybe some places? It's not in American English as far as I know.