Articles – Question About ‘The’ Before Names


For example I want to discuss one movie called "A" (it's just an example name) with my friend. Do I need to use the definite article before its name. Example:

I want to talk about the "A" with you (Let's talk about the "A"). Did you like it?


I want to talk about "A" with you (Let's talk about "A"). Did you like it?

Best Answer


If there is a definite article in the title, you say it as part of the title:

Today, I would like to discuss The Bridge on the River Kwai with you.

However, if there isn't, you don't need to add one.

Today, I would like to discuss Kind Hearts and Coronets with you.

The only time you would see an added article would be if the film title is used as an adjective phrase modifying a noun that take an article. For example, you would say:

I have the soundtrack stuck in my head.


I have the soundtrack to Kind Hearts and Coronets stuck in my head.

Therefore, if you use the title as an adjective phrase, you would also say:

I have the Kind Hearts and Coronets soundtrack stuck in my head.

But this is because "soundtrack" needs the article, not because the title does.

You should also be aware that, if there is an article in the title, when you use it as an adjective you would normally not repeat the adjective. So, for example, it would be more common to hear:

I have the Bridge on the River Kwai soundtrack stuck in my head.


*I have the The Bridge on the River Kwai soundtrack stuck in my head.

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