Learn English – Reflexive pronoun in the passive


Would anybody explain how to change the following sentences into the passive?

  • He did it himself.

  • He killed himself.

  • He washed himself.

Best Answer

When you convert a sentence from active voice to passive voice, the subject becomes the agent (by...) or is omitted completely, and the object becomes the patient (the subject of the passive voice sentence).

The most common usages of passive voice are if

  • you want to focus on the active-voice object
  • you don't know who the active-voice subject is
  • you don't want to say who the active-voice subject is

You use a reflexive pronoun when the subject and object are the same, so there is no point in focusing on the active-voice object, as it is the same as the active-voice subject. You do know who is the active-voice subject. The only remaining justification for using passive voice would therefore be if you did not want to say who was the active-voice subject. In this case, the second and third sentences become:

He was killed.

He was washed.

Note that the meaning of himself in the first sentence is somewhat different: in this case, the reflexive pronoun really means by himself or unaided or alone. To make this passive mood without specifying the agent, you would have to say something like:

It was done by one person.

Because by himself means alone, you cannot use himself as the agent without changing the meaning, for example:

He was killed by himself - what seems like the correct passive voice sentence
He was alone when he was killed - what it actually means

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