Learn English – Regarding usage of ‘are’ with 3rd form of verb along with specific time


Let us suppose I am talking to a thief who steals cars daily.
I ask him

Yo!, at what time do you steal cars?

To which he replies

Cars are stolen at 1 am.

Now I think that the sentence is valid grammatically but I am not sure if he used it 'right'.
By 'right' I mean right with respect to the question.
Also I suspect it has something to do with 'Active/Passive Voice'.

Best Answer

It is grammatically correct. Events that happen regularly use the simple present "I play tennis every day"

The thief is using the passive voice, which leaves out the actor: He means "Someone" steals cars at 1am.

The register and tone is quite formal. The passive voice disengages the speaker from the action. This is inappropriate to a car thief, who would more likely reply in a reduced form: "1am" (or perhaps more likely "You better f*** off before asking questions like that gets you knifed!")