Learn English – “Reply him” or “reply to him”


I always say sentences like "Reply him that you will deliver the report later". A friend of mine who is rather particular about English grammar says it should be "Reply to him that […]". Is this variation correct? Is my usage wrong, or just as acceptable?

I feel that it's unnecessary to have that 'to' there and only serves to break the natural flow of speaking without adding anything extra, if you know what I mean. Besides, you do not say "Tell to him" but you say "Tell him". But interestingly you say "Speak to him" or "Talk to him".


  • Reply her or Reply to her
  • Reply his email or Reply to his email

PS: I can't find any answer to this by searching on Google or this site.

Best Answer

Your friend is correct. "Reply" is typically an intransitive verb, which means it does not take a direct object. "Tell", by contrast, is a transitive verb, which does take a direct object. So:

Please reply him. (Incorrect)

Please reply to him. (Correct)

Please tell him. (Correct)

It doesn't matter whether the subject is a person you're replying to or an email you're replying about - the rule is the same.

Please reply his email. (Incorrect)

Please reply to his email. (Correct)

M-W Dictionary shows that you can also use "reply" as a transitive verb, but that's a more specialized use such as you would see in dialogue:

"I'd like some water please," she replied.